
CrossCheck Database

Global Diploma Mills and Unaccredited Universities Dataset

  • Largest database of diploma mills and unaccredited universities worldwide.
  • Information is sourced from government sources and accrediting authorities.
  • Extensive research is performed to identify fake universities, institutes, diploma mills and un-accredited/blacklisted institutions. These proprietary reports with detailed findings are then made available on this database.

Global Medical Risk Dataset

  • Unique repository on medical staff that pose a risk to government/non-government hospitals, pharmacies, multinationals and the healthcare industry as a whole.
  • Comprises medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, technicians, pharmacists and organisations accused or found guilty of illegal or unethical behaviour.
  • Regularly updated with details of fraudulent healthcare professionals and establishments reported to have been involved in medical malpractice, negligence, document fraud and other derogatory incidents
  • Records include enforcement actions, lawsuits, judgments, reprimands and debarments specific to medical professionals issued by various regulatory authorities.

Global Professionals’ Misconduct Dataset

  • Covers Teachers, Accountants, Lawyers and Engineers (TALE) that have faced disciplinary action and/or have their licenses revoked for misconduct or malpractice.
  • Records include enforcement actions, lawsuits, judgments, reprimands and debarments specific to professionals issued by various regulatory authorities.